
Focused Practicing

Jim Stinett was among many things, a professor at Berklee College of Music where he inspired and influenced many exceptional musicians including Charles Berthoud, Victor Wooten, and Steve Bailey.

In this short video, he talks about being focused when you practice. Having 2 or 3 things to work on, and knowing what you practiced yesterday, and what you’ll practice today and tomorrow!

Time Managment

In this video, Jim Stinett talks about time management and being proactive.

-Manage your activities
– We cannot control time, but we can control our actions

– Become proactive and feel success
– Success is a planned activity

How to Master any Instrument

Charles Berthoud is hands down one of the most technically proficient bass players today.

In this  video, he talks about his seven steps to mastering any instrument. There are of course many ways to approach learning an instrument, but he is definitely someone I would listen to when it comes to the subject. His advice is priceless…take notes!

Looking for something to practice?

  • Give this a try.
  • Choose one idea from each column below, until you are challenged…now you have something to practice!
  • Or maybe turn it into a lesson in Muzento so you can keep coming back to it and monitor your progress! 😉

NotesProgressionPractice Rhythms (see below)Technique
Major TriadCircle of 4ths (All Keys)Quarters and HalfsFingers
Minor TriadUp 1/2 steps (All Keys)8ths and QuartersPick
Triads of Major ScaleDown 1/2 Steps (All Keys)16ths and 8thsSlap
Up Whole Steps (All Keys)QuintupletsPluck
Maj7 ArpeggioDown Whole Steps (All Keys)SextupletsSlap/Pluck
Min7 ArpeggioUp Minor 3rdsDouble Thumb
Dom7 ArpeggioDown Minor 3rdsTapping
Half Diminished ArpeggioAutumn Leaves
7th Arpeggios of Major ScaleAll The Things You Are
Blue Bossa
Major ScaleSo What
Minor Scale – Harmonic
Minor Scale – Melodic
Major Pentatonic
Minor Pentatonic
Minor6 Pentatonic
Dom7 Pentatonic
Major Blues
Minor Blues

Practice Rhythms

Use these rhythms to practice triads. Once you’re comfortable, try combining them to practice scales and arpeggios (4 notes or more).

Notice that the rhythm in each bar is the same as the bar below and/or above. It just depends on how you want to count and feel it.